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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). While the manuscript is undergoing the peer review phase, the authors will not submit the manuscript to another journal without notifying the editor.
  • We fight plagiarism: please understand that your article will be checked with available tools for discovering plagiarism.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or PDF document file format.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than quoting/underlining (except with URL addresses); and all figures and tables are placed at the end. If tables are used, they should be double spaced on separate pages. They should be numbered and cited in the text of the article. If figures are used, they must be submitted as .tiff or .jpg files, with the requested digital resolution. If material which has already been published is used, a copy of the written permission for the reproduction and adaptation has to be provided before publication. The procedure for requesting the permission is the responsibility of the Authors. If abbreviations are used in the text, authors are required to write full name+abbreviation in brackets [e.g., multiple myeloma (MM)] the first time they are used, then only abbreviations can be written (apart from titles; in this case authors have to write always the full name).
  • Authors are aware that the Editors may decide to decline manuscripts that do not include statements regarding:
    - funding and potential conflicts of interest;
    - approval gained by an institutional board for research involving either human or nonhuman animal participants;
    - research in healthcare settings should likewise indicate whether NHS approval or equivalent from an appropriate committee was gained.

    Authors are solely responsible for statements and disclaimers included in the manuscripts.
  • Please fill in the “Uniform Format for Disclosure of Competing Interests in ICMJE Journals” and upload it on the Web site of the PAGEPress journal your work is involved with or email it back to us, in mind to allow PAGEPress to peer-reviewing your work. Kindly note that the format has to be completed and signed by each author of the work: if this Disclosure Form is missing, we will not be able to publish your work.
  • Authors are kindly invited to suggest at least two potential reviewers (name, affiliation and e-mail) for their manuscript in the "Comments to the Editor" field (Step 1. Submission Process).

Author Guidelines

To submit a new paper to our journal:

  1. Register on the Journal website; we encourage you to register also as a Reviewer at the same time;
  2. Follow the Guidelines for Authors for preparation of your manuscript;
  3. Read our Editorial Policies and our Competing Interest policies.
  4. Log in;
  5. Click on the "NEW SUBMISSION" button to start the online procedure.

To submit a revised version:

  1. Log in;
  2. Click on the title of your paper;
  3. Next to the heading "REVISIONS", upload your revised paper by using the "UPLOAD FILE" button;
  4. Inform the Editors that a revised version has been uploaded.

Original Articles

Original Articles (3500 words max, abstract 180 words max, 30 references max, 3/5 tables and/or figures): in general, this kind of publication should be divided into an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. A maximum of 10 authors is permitted and additional authors should be listed in an ad hoc Appendix.


Reviews (4000 words max, abstract 250 words max, minimum 40 references, 3/5 tables and/or figures): they should be introduced by a general summary of content in the form of an Abstract. Following a short introduction, putting the study into context and defining the aim, reviews will concentrate on the most recent developments in the field. A review should clearly describe the search strategy followed (key words, inclusion, exclusion criteria, search engines, ...). No particular format is required; headings should be used to designate the major divisions of the paper.

Brief Reports

Brief Reports (about 2000 words, abstract 150 words max, 20 references max, 3 tables and/or figures): short reports of results from original researches. They should be introduced by a general summary of content in the form of an Abstract. They must provide conclusive findings: preliminary observations or incomplete findings cannot be considered for publication.

Case Reports

Case Reports (about 2000 words, abstract 150 words max, 20 references max, 3 tables and/or figures): reports describing observations on clinical cases that can be educational, including adverse effects of drugs or outcomes of a specific treatment. They should be divided into: Abstract, Introduction (optional), Case report(s), Discussion, Conclusions and References.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor (800 words max): these are written on invitation, short essays that express the authors’ viewpoint, may respond to published manuscripts in our journals, or deliver information or news regarding an issue related to the Journal scope. If the letter relates to a published manuscript, the authors of the original manuscript will be given the opportunity to provide a respond. Authors of Letters to the Editor should provide a short title.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews (no abstract, no references needed): they should be a short critical analysis and evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of a short book which addressed at least one of main topics of the Journal (the authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief of the journal for his/her approval before submitting a Book Review).


Perspectives (unstructured abstract 250 words max; text 3500 words max excluding references, figures and tables; max 4 tables and/or figures; max 20 references): they propose a viewpoint on a specific field or discipline, and discuss/describe current advances or future directions

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.