The role of loneliness and general health in predicting life satisfaction

Submitted: 2024 March 10
Accepted: 2024 March 19
Published: 2024 April 2
Abstract Views: 1296
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Students are one of society’s most important groups, and their health and well-being are among every nation’s priorities. Satisfaction with life, as one of the effective components of well-being, is related to mental and physical health; throughout time, the feeling of satisfaction with one’s life faces some ups and downs. This descriptive study investigated the relationship between loneliness, general health, and student satisfaction and was carried out using correlational designs on the statistical population of Sistan and Baluchistan University students in 2023. Furthermore, 106 people were selected among male and female students by the convenience sampling method, and they were asked to complete satisfaction questionnaires: Huebner’s life, Goldberg’s general health scale, and Russell’s loneliness questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software through Pearson’s correlation coefficient and step-by-step regression model. The findings indicated a significant relationship between life satisfaction, general health, and loneliness (p<0/001). Also, the step-by-step regression analysis showed that loneliness can predict life satisfaction (p<0/001). It seems that the developments and conditions of the student period and the distance of most students from their families pose serious challenges, including the unpleasant feeling of loneliness, which overshadows life satisfaction and, consequently, the psychological well-being of this young group, ultimately reducing their efficiency. Their social and educational skills are adequate; therefore, self-care behaviors, creating and developing stable social interactions in academic environments, and seeking help for mental and emotional health problems are emphasized. Considering the limitations of the current research and its cross-sectional nature, longitudinal studies in this field are recommended.



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How to Cite

Mirshekar M, Tahvilian M. The role of loneliness and general health in predicting life satisfaction. Mental Wellness [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(1). Available from: